Florida’s 2016 legislative session gave the authority to advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) and physician assistants (PAs) to now prescribe controlled substances. This however is subject to approval by their supervising practitioner and it is not a complete grant of prescribing authority. Some of the restrictions are listed below. As always, we remind you to […]
Tag Archives: Florida Board of Medicine disciplinary hearings
Doctor to Answer Charges for Overdosing Patients
Recently the mother of a 26 year-old man who died, reported a Pinellas Park doctor to the Florida Board of Medicine. According to the state records, this doctor had prescribed 3,360 oxycodone pills the year before the young man died in 2009. The doctor has been accused of malpractice three times in the past three […]
Florida Department of Health Files Complaint Against Doctor for Operating on the Wrong Leg
The Florida Department of Health is recommending disciplinary action be taken against a Daytona doctor who operated on the wrong leg of a woman last year. The administrative complaint says that the doctor allegedly failed to follow proper procedures to verify he was operating on the woman’s correct leg. Currently, the doctor’s medical license is active with the […]
Tampa Doctor Still Seeing Patients After Sexually Inappropriate Behavior
In 2010, a Tampa doctor who specializes in internal medicine, admits he propositioned a patient for oral sex and then exposed himself to that patient. The patient reported this to the Tampa police and the doctor was charged with exposing his sexual organ. The charges were dropped when the doctor completed a program for first time offenders. The Florida […]
Florida Physican Reprimanded for Delivering Radiation to the Wrong Lung of His Patient
The Florida Board of Medicine has disciplined a Gainesville radiation oncologist for delivering a high dose of radiation into the wrong lung of a 78-year-old patient. A settlement has been approved by the board imposing a letter of concern against the doctor and ordering him to pay a $7,500 fine and additional costs and attend five hours in brachytherapy quality assurance […]
Florida Physician’s Medical License in Jeopardy
The Florida Department of Health’s Board of Medicine is trying to revoke the medical license of a Florida doctor who once practiced at the Back Center in Melbourne, Florida. There have been two complaints filed by the Florida Department of Health accusing the doctor of “inappropriately touching five women during treatment.” This doctor is now restricted from seeing female patients, and […]
The Florida Board of Medicine Fines and Reprimands Miami Psychiatrist For Over-Prescribing
On October 4th., 2013, the Florida Board of Medicine reprimanded and fined a Miami psychiatrist $15,000, four years after becoming a symbol of over-prescribing medications. Also, the agreement called for him to be evaluated for mental and behavioral fitness, for his medical practice to be assessed for risks, and for him to reimburse the state more […]